Adult Autism Assessment

An increasing number of adults experiencing sensory issues are wondering if they’ve been Autistic or an ADHDer…all along…

When I began speaking at length to HSPs on my website, I had an influx of clients asking me for Autism assessment & expressing a lack of assessment services for adults.

I didn’t want to abandon my clients to online quizzes & continued confusion.

I have developed my own approach combining clinical assessments (updating any outdated wording) & an interview format that leaves less room for ambiguity.

Is this for you?

This may be for you if you are resonating with online forums related to undiagnosed Adult Autism & you have a history of social, sensory & cognitive differences.

Especially, if you find yourself constantly trying to compensate or hide these differences & are starting to crave a congruent explanation.

We are often "masked" to ourselves when we were not identified as children, which can be very painful.

For some, an assessment offers longed-for answers...YOU get to decide what you do with those answers.

go beyond online quizzes...

  • step one

    Reach out to schedule an initial reduced-fee 50-minute session. I will send you a small amount of e-paperwork.

  • step two

    In our initial session, if it's feeling like a good fit, I will present options for what you'd like to assess & we will begin assessment for at least three 75-minute sessions (more can be scheduled, if needed).

  • step three

    We will complete all agreed-upon assessments & have a session to review conclusions & create resources based on those conclusions.


I approach assessments by helping clients identify attributes that are included in Autism, ADHD, AuDHD, OCD, PTSD & High-Sensitivity. You may or may not meet the full diagnostic criteria…but, for me, the point is to give you insight about what IS there.

If you meet ANY criteria for Autism (or PTSD, OCD, etc.)…that’s a big deal in your life! In this way, I strive to not only say it IS or ISN’T Autism, but which areas of Autism (ADHD, OCD, etc.) are indicated & how you might begin to relate to your unique NEUROTYPE.