

Contemplative Psychotherapy

Somatic Psychotherapy

Parts Integration

Safe & Sound Protocol

& Sandtray…


in your first session we’ll talk about your goals & intentions for therapy & what modalities & therapy approaches appeal to you.

In the meantime, feel free to “geek out” reading a bit about the modalities I offer…

Tibetan prayer flags


My style of psychotherapy emphasizes the mind-body relationship, integrating mindfulness practice & working to interrupt problematic patterns in the mind, body & emotions. We’ll work with the parts of you that are struggling with anxiety/panic, boundaries & limiting beliefs. Awareness in the present moment provides the essential framework for curiosity & gentleness in the process of healing & change.


In sessions I direct clients experientially in tracking body sensation, the movement of emotion, thoughts, breath & posture to attune to & integrate what is needing attention. At the same time, there is the potential to release blockages & an opportunity to reset the nervous system.

Assignments between sessions are key for clients to increase mindfulness of how their body responds to their world.

close-up of dandelion white spokes


I first learned “parts work” through my study with a Shamanic Journey-work guide via Soul Parts Retrieval. I added the IFS (Internal Family Systems) teachings to that foundation with a focus on parts-mapping. This modality is powerful & helps cultivate self-compassion as well as a real sense of wholeness & congruence. I always say…to have “all our parts moving in the same direction” IS integration!

hands in terra cotta colored sand


Sandtray is an Expressive Arts Therapy that is wonderful for connecting with the unconscious. Further, it’s a wonderful way to access parts of ourselves that are younger, in patterns of dissociation or are holding trauma.

In session, the tray can be used for parts work, shadow work, dream work & grief processing. Sandtray can be integrated into any Psychotherapy & can be especially complimentary to the Safe & Sound Protocol.

a person with headphones on


THE SAFE & SOUND PROTOCOL can be added to weekly Psychotherapy sessions. 

Safe & Sound Protocol helps with many sensory arousal issues. I offer SSP to help clients who especially struggle to feel safe in their body & experience auditory over-arousal:

  • Feeling easily irritated by sounds that others don't seem to mind or even notice

  • Difficulty editing out background noise either at home or in public places

  • Light or alert sleep, sounds cause interruption in sleep regularly or difficulty reaching deep sleep/restful sleep

  • Incidence of an accident or traumatic event & haven't been able to feel a sense of safety since the event happened​

  • Many attributes associated with Autism & ADHD (SSP has been studied & clinically tested with high efficacy for easing sensory challenges in Autists)


the foundations of my approach

  • Loving Kindness

    Sometimes we are not very skilled at being gentle & kind to ourselves. Often the opposite is the norm, which results in an endless barrage of self-aggressive thoughts riddled with "shoulds." It's impossible to connect to our life from this place of self-judgement. We can't fake it. Loving ourselves is not fluffy, unimportant stuff. It is the most essential ingredient to living a life of purpose & connection.

  • Mindfulness & Embodiment

    Mindfulness has become a commonly used term that in some ways has become watered-down due to overly broad use. From my point of view, Mindfulness is our effort to turn our attention & awareness to the present moment in an intentional way. This includes mindfulness of what our thoughts & mind are doing, but we can go further & use mindfulness to work with body, breath, movement & posture. Combining mindfulness of body & mind can create what we call an "embodied" way of being. Being present within our body creates a higher potential for healing trauma & increasing quality of our relationships overall.

  • Anxiety & Panic

    All of us have fear, whether it be emotionally-based or survival instinct that has become overwhelming, flooding our body with anxiety & panic attacks. Many of us have in many ways told ourselves a story that we should not be or feel a certain way, which causes conflict & stress in the body & mind. Perhaps we would like to move to a place in our life where fear does not hold us back? Together, we work with mindfulness techniques & body-centered practices to regulate fear & anxiety as well as recognizing the thoughts that fuel fears. The nervous system can be retuned & retrained to address dysregulation, anxiety & panic attacks as well as depressed or frozen nervous systems.

  • Boundaries & Empowerment

    Boundaries are extremely important & impact every area of our life. Let's reaffirm healthy boundaries & what it means to "clean up" already damaged boundaries in our relationships to others & our relationship to ourself. Clear boundaries help our nervous system relax & feel safe.

    Empowerment means that we trust ourself to know how to align with our intuition as well as know when our body is saying "NO" or "YES"....& to act in alignment with that truth & trust in ourself. My practice is client-centered, meaning the client decides what they want to work on. Personal growth happens when we collaborate based on client goals combined with my insight of what I'm seeing and hearing from my client. ​

  • Transition & Risk

    Fear & grief often emerge during times of transition, even if we are initiating the change. It’s important to understand ourselves & how we might be tripped up by our perception of risk. Risk & the thoughts & feelings that arise around perceived risk must be thoughtfully addressed in order to live our dreams. This is the beginning of walking the path, not just of transition, but of TRANSFORMATION.

  • Curiosity

    Curiosity is key to developing space & gentleness to explore painful patterns & the parts of ourselves that are wounded by past events & needing healing.

    Curiosity is often a gateway to playfulness, light-heartedness & creative expression, which is beneficial to therapy.

  • Emotional Intelligence

    If emotional intelligence is not modeled for us as we develop & grow we simply do not learn how to clearly name how we feel. We may assume that some emotions are unacceptable to others around us & begin to suppress our feelings. Emotional intelligence begins with knowing how to identify feelings & to learn to attune to ourself.

  • View of Trauma

    Some categories of trauma are obvious & some are not. My view of trauma is that most of us have some level of trauma with widely varying degrees of impact on our daily lives, relationships & over-all emotional functioning. Bringing awareness & attention to trauma is the first step to resolving & freeing the body. My "bottom-up" or body before thoughts approach & simple nervous system regulation techniques help move at the pace of the body.

  • Burnout

    Burnout is often associated with prolonged stress in the workplace, but I apply this term also to relationships, personal goals, school & burnout related to neurodiversity & sensory burnout. Once one is in burnout we feel emotionally unwell, psychologically stuck & physically exhausted. It is challenging to find our way out once we are at this point.

    I help clients to acknowledge burnout & begin to address stress & the build-up of prolonged stress or exposure to toxic environments.

getting started with psychotherapy…

Follow the link & schedule your 50 minute intro session. I offer a reduced rate of $100 for the first session, so we can get a feel for if working together is a good fit. If you cannot find a time that works for you, message me via my contact page.

A first session is a great opportunity to see if you like the way I work & we’ll talk about your needs & how to proceed. There will be minimal e-paperwork prior to session.

You can indicate if you would like to meet online or in-person in Columbia, MO.

“Nothing in the world is as soft & yielding as water. Yet for dissolving the hard & inflexible, nothing can surpass it. The soft overcomes the hard; the gentle overcomes the rigid.”

— Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching