Therapy for Anxiety & Panic
You’ve tried to think your way out of Anxiety...but you’re more “tied up in knots” than ever…
Anxiety…what the heck are we talking about?
We can speak of Anxiety as an emotion: variations of feeling afraid or “wired”
or as a body sensation: feeling unsafe
as well as anxiety arising in the mind:
worry & fearful thoughts
look away…nothing to see here!
There are many ways to talk about anxiety. I think one of the most common sources of anxiety is INCONGRUENCE….when our body, emotions, mind & thoughts are not moving in the same direction. For example, saying “I’m fine” when you KNOW you’re not. Now, multiply that by the 1,000 times you’ve done some version of this. I think it follows that you’re going to become anxious, insecure, unsure of what you actually need or feel.
This process becomes even more complex with relationship stress, trauma experiences & if you feel safe being yourself in the world. There are many reasons why a person may feel unsafe.
Before you know it, you’re in a state of anxiety & don’t really know why…

Anxious thoughts are exhausting & lead to
“tired & wired.”
Anxiety can turn into phobia, social anxiety & low self-confidence.
Chronic anxiety sends us into shut-down, numbness or burnout.
Left unattended, anxiety can evolve into
It’s never too soon to address your anxiety & panic!
the work we do together…
first we get honest & name the known sources of anxiety
we use curiosity to explore unconscious sources of fear & trauma
we develop tools to help with anxiety symptoms
we identify where boundaries need to be made to create safety
we learn to interrupt anxious thoughts & beliefs
we tend to fear instead of ignoring it & hoping it will go away
we practice better communication with ourselves & others
we accept that emotions are important messengers & to listen to ourselves without becoming overwhelmed